  • Welcome to Chabad of NebraskaConsider it your second home! Learn More
  • Camp Gan IsraelJoin us for a summer filled with laughter, adventure, and the spirit of community! Camp Gan Israel promises an enriching and joyous experience through a unique blend of fun, friendship, and Jewish pride for children aged 4-12. More info and registration
  • Sunday PodMontessori-inspired Sunday sessions for kids from newborn to five More information
  • Sunday Morning WrapsJoin us for a gathering filled with inspiration, learning and community connection. Details
The Mission of Chabad of Nebraska is to improve the world though education, action, and loving kindness; to help realize a moral, G-dly world in which honesty, integrity, a sense of meaning and purpose, respect, responsibility for one another, knowledge, security, and peace prevail.

We recognize the innate goodness in humankind and seek to inspire and empower all people to maximize their potential on life's journey - with joy, passion, and enthusiasm.

To accomplish that, we work with all denominations, cultures, and faiths and reach out to help rather than wait to be called upon.
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Learning & Inspiration
  • The Unsung Heroism of Reb Yona PoltaverHe led a vast underground network of Jewish schools in the USSR, ultimately sacrificing his life for... Read More
Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Omaha, NE
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Feb. 13
Daily Thought
Be within. But stay above.
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